Lyle Anderson
Please note: Lyle Anderson retired in the fall of 2016.
A native of northern Wisconsin, Lyle Anderson began carillon study on the University of Wisconsin Memorial Carillon in the mid-1960s with Professor John W. Harvey. Following a year’s study with the Leen ‘t Hart at the Netherlands Carillon School in Amersfoort, Anderson earned a diploma in carillon in June 1980. Returning to Madison, he was appointed University Carillonneur in August 1986. Mr. Anderson regularly plays piano and organ for services at First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, both in Madison. He is also Wisconsin State Climatology office manager, works on the crew of the public radio show “Michael Feldman’s Whad’Ya Know?” and is on the board of directors of Historic Madison, Inc. and is also Secretary of the Executive Board of Madison’s Association of Church Musicians.