SoundWaves: Small - Medium - Large

202211mar7:30 pm9:30 pmSoundWaves: Small - Medium - Large


(Friday) 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Event Details

Free I No ticket required
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Discovery Building
Also streaming on Zoom

SoundWaves looks at the ideas of size and scale. How can tiny particles of matter have a big effect in our universe? How big is infinity? How can a small branch of economic theory explain behaviors outside the scope of economics? How can a collection of individual musical instruments become one instrument that revolutionized the direction of the music we listen to today? Find out in our first event of 2022.

Featuring: Brian Rebel, physics; Raymond Deneckere, economics; Tullia Dymarz, mathematics; Daniel Grabois, SoundWaves curator, music; and Matthew Endres, music.
