Memorial Carillon

202523feb3:00 pmMemorial Carillon


(Sunday) 3:00 pm


University of Wisconsin Memorial Carillon

1160 Observatory Drive

Event Details

Lyle Anderson, University Carillonneur Emeritus

I. UW school songs
The University Hymn
On Wisconsin
Songs to Thee, Wisconsin

Suite d’Ukraine pour le monde (Stéfano Colletti, 1996)
L’obier rouge
Dans le petit bois, au bord du Danube
La jolie jeune fille
Soleil couchant
La lune et les étoiles

II. Washington’s March No. 1
(anonymous American, c. 1784; arranged for carillon by Milford Myhre, 1976)

from Pages of American History (Leen ’t Hart, 1976)
The Ram of Derby (said to be a favorite song of General Washington)
Yankee Doodle
My days have been so wondrous free (Francis Hopkinson, 1759)

Washington’s March No. 2 (anonymous American, c. 1784; arr. Milford Myhre, 1976)

III. Intermezzo III, voor Leiden (Leen ’t Hart, 1986)

Mysterium Coniunctionis (Cindy Cox, 2015)

IV. Fanfare, from Pages of American History (Leen ’t Hart, 1976)

Four spirituals, arr. Leen ’t Hart, 1966
It’s me, o Lord
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Swing low, sweet chariot
Steal away



University of Wisconsin Memorial Carillon1160 Observatory Drive